PowerShell If statement - controlling the flow of your code

In this video we are exploring how to use If statement in various scenarios. If statement allows you to take tide control over the execution of your code, by dictating your script what to do in a given situation. # Link to the video: https://youtu.be/j8Ubwv8ApdU # Documentation: # Operators: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_operators?view=powershell-7.1 # About If: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_if?view=powershell-7.1 # Basic version # if something is true then do this if ($true) { "This is true" } if ($false) { "This is false" } # if something is true then do this, otherwise do that if ($true) { "This is true" } else { "This is false" } if ($false) { "This is true" } else { "This is false" } # let's do some actual example if ( 5 -gt 3 ) { "This is more!...

3 July 2021 · 3 min · 608 words · Kamil

PowerShell for IT Professionals [#19] – Websites and APIs

PowerShell is a great server automation tool, but what about Internet and any other web served services? As it turns out, PowerShell is great in scrapping websites and consuming APIs – and it’s been one of the main development areas of the tool in the last couple of years. In this lesson we are going to see how to use PowerShell to download files, scrap websites, discover links. We will then use an API of PasswordPusher (pwpush....

15 November 2020 · 2 min · 326 words · Kamil

PowerShell for IT Professionals [#17] – Scripting part 4 – parameters, running remotely and formatting

In the last part of scripting series, we will make the script to be able to query remote machines, e.g. servers. We will also check how to add parameters to the script (and configure the default value of parameter) so that user will able to pass the parameter name like in a standard PowerShell cmdlet. Finally, we are going to format the script so that it looks more reliable and make some refactoring so that the logic is simpler....

19 October 2020 · 2 min · 425 words · Kamil

PowerShell for IT Professionals [#16] – Scripting part 3 – Add-Member and network

In this lesson we are taking our script further by adding details about IP configuration and last installed hotfixes. But it turns out, the networking information is not that shallow as it seems at the first glance – thus I’ll show you how to retrieve the information from the configuration. We will also look on how to reuse our already created object so that we don’t need to duplicate code....

13 October 2020 · 2 min · 280 words · Kamil

PowerShell for IT Professionals [#15] – Scripting part 2 – IF and psobject

In this lesson we carry on writing the scripting by gathering requirements and putting them together as comments in code. Then we will retrieve OS information with the help of WMI and display it on the screen with Write-Host. Although using Write-Host is easy to use, it doesn’t really allow us to do very much e.g. we cannot export information to the CSV, therefore we change it and start using custom PSObject – that way our script will start returning information like a regular PowerShell command....

5 October 2020 · 1 min · 206 words · Kamil