Building PowerShell module on Azure DevOps pipeline - step by step guide

The World talks constantly about DevOps, CI/CI pipelines, automation - which great, but where to actually start? Especially when you’ve been writing PowerShell which is often used as automation language, but not actually as programming language? In this video I’ll show you how to create a build pipeline for PowerShell module, from scratch. We will start from creating a project, creating new Git repository, pushing code to repository to finally create a pipeline which takes care of building the module, versioning it and finally publishing....

1 June 2022 · 1 min · 200 words · Kamil

PowerShell Parameter Attributes - validate, group, require params and add pipeline to your function

Having properly configured parameters help your users to understand the use of your function. It also helps fellow developers to appreciate the intended use of the function. In addition, it gives you more control of how the code flows through your script. Parameter attributes is what takes parameters to the next level - you can specify that certain parameters are mandatory, group them together so that only certain combination of parameters is meant to work together, we can even add pipeline support so that function can be used as any other built-in function....

7 February 2022 · 5 min · 1034 words · Kamil

PowerShell for IT Professionals [#4] – Pipeline

Exercises There’s one particular command that allows you output anything from shell to file, find that command and use with any commands like Get-Service or Get-Process. Does it behave differently than Export-CSV? Programs often use CSV but don’t use comma for delimiter – try to exporting to CSV but change the delimiter Can you print directly from shell? See if there are any commands available and if so, print some Event Logs!...

30 July 2020 · 2 min · 259 words · Kamil