PowerShell for IT Professionals [#16] – Scripting part 3 – Add-Member and network

In this lesson we are taking our script further by adding details about IP configuration and last installed hotfixes. But it turns out, the networking information is not that shallow as it seems at the first glance – thus I’ll show you how to retrieve the information from the configuration. We will also look on how to reuse our already created object so that we don’t need to duplicate code....

13 October 2020 · 2 min · 280 words · Kamil

Resolve IP and DNS with Powershell tool

I’ve been asked to prepare a simple tool which would: Resolve IP address or DNS Return all results to table Import addresses from a file The reason behind was to check how IP/DNS records change over the period of time, therefore there was a need for something like that: A file with all addresses in question Tool which could import all these addresses and resolve them Save the results into a new file Once having at least a couple of files, the results could be compared....

29 April 2018 · 2 min · 356 words · Kamil