
I remember like when I was 10-ish and had been trying to fix my first computer. There was no Internet, there was no one really to ask for advice or share the knowledge with me. It took me days, and at the very end, I found that I didn’t have essential drivers to make my computer really usable. Did I mention that the Internet wasn’t available yet?

I had to figure this out, and it took me ridiculous amount of time to achieve such a basic task like reinstalling an operating system. It would have been much easier to find that knowledge somewhere, wouldn’t be?

After years, the Internet got popular and I’ve met more people. The knowledge has been waiting to be discovered and absorbed. And so I did. I have been deriving knowledge for years from different sources. But wasn’t really keen to share what was mine.

Until this year. Something’s changed in my mind. Maybe because I am surrounded with open-minded people who actually share with the world they knowledge and experience. Certainly, I’ve been impressed by them.

How I came to this conclusion? Just this week, I’ve helped a group of people with tasks which for me are obvious, but not for them. I spent some time on preparing the guidelines, the files and even an instructional video on the task, and boom – their job became a way easier.

Sharing is rewarding. Just give it a try, you won’t regret it.