Trust, hope, relationship. Words which make us feel good, because we can rely on others.
I remember when sometime ago, I needed to push a new software to about 50 computers. As always, with that kind of operation, there was a very limited time to do this.
In normal situation, there is deployment solution in place – a server which distributes the software in an automated way. Obviously, as an administrator I need to prepare the whole process – finding installers, commands and switches for these software and even writing scripts.
I did prepare everything and tested thoroughly – and at the day of deployment the server decided not to co-op at all. Jobs have been breaking, connections were dropping – the IT nightmare in all it’s glory. The second deployment server was out of question under current circumstances. Tragedy, literally tragedy did happen.
Because I couldn’t rely on this any more, I had to override manual mode – a bunch of USB sticks with all the files, scripts on it, that is. Yep, I ended up running around from one end point to another and sticking the flash drives in.
It really helps when you are responsible for preparation of the whole process, I tend to observe the whole process when it happens, with every detail that happens. That gives the great idea of how the actual process happens, what are the stages, eases the troubleshooting. In situations like that, adapting a new way of solving the problem is much easier than when everything is done to be faster with cutting the corners.
That was a long day and a long night. I came back home much later than expected, but the job was done. That was the most important thing to me. The server was obviously fixed later on, when there was a time for it.
What I’m trying to say is: don’t be like this server. If you promise something, deliver. There’s no worse feeling than letting others down. And if you cannot help it, at least have guts and go to your mates and admit it. Theyย might be disappointed, but at least aware of fault.