PowerShell If statement – controlling the flow of your code

In this video we are exploring how to use If statement in various scenarios. If statement allows you to take tide control over the execution of your code, by dictating your script what to do in a given situation.

# Link to the video: https://youtu.be/j8Ubwv8ApdU

# Documentation:
# Operators: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_operators?view=powershell-7.1
# About If: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_if?view=powershell-7.1

# Basic version
# if something is true then do this

if ($true) { "This is true" }

if ($false) { "This is false" }

# if something is true then do this, otherwise do that

if ($true) { "This is true" } else { "This is false" }

if ($false) { "This is true" } else { "This is false" }

# let's do some actual example
if ( 5 -gt 3 ) { "This is more!" } else { "This is less!" }

# we can also compare against variables.
$random = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 11; $random
if ($random -ge 5) { "$Random  is more than 5!" } else { "$Random is less than 5!" }

# running functions and assigning them directly in the statement
if ( ($random = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 11) -ge 5) { "$Random  is more than 5!" } else { "$Random is less than 5!" }

$number = 5
if ( ($random = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 11) -ge $number) { "$Random  is more than 5!" } else { "$Random is less than 5!" }

#Checking if variable exists
if ($nonExisting -eq $true) { "That variable exists!" } else { "It doesn't exist" }

if ($user) { "User exists" } else { "User doesn't exist" }

$user = @{}
$user['Name'] = 'Geralt'
$user['Surname'] = 'of Rivia'
if ($user) { "User exists" } else { "User doesn't exist" }

#We can do more complex operations
if ($user) {
    $email = '{0}.{1}@novigrad.com' -f $user.Name, $user.Surname -replace ' ', ''
    "Found user: $($user.Name) $($user.Surname)"  
    "Email for user: {0}" -f $email.ToLower()

#Like operator
if ($email -like "*Rivia*") { "Email has Rivia in it!" }

#We can check if something is not true
if ( -not $user1 ) { "This user doesn't exist" }
if ( !$user1 ) { "This user doesn't exist" }

# More complex logic
if ( $user.Name -eq "Geralt" -AND $user.Surname -eq "of Rivia" ) { "User Exists" }
if ( $user.Name -eq "Geralt" -AND $user.Surname -eq "of Rivia" -AND $user1 ) { "User Exists" }

# Splitting statement accross different lines
if ( $user.Name -eq "Geralt" -OR 
    $user.Surname -eq "of Rivia" -OR 
    $user1 ) { 
    "User Exists"

# Testing if folder exists
$Folder = "C:\Windows"
if ( Test-Path -Path $Folder ) { "Folder: $Folder Exists!" }

#Nested IF Statements
if ($user.Name -eq "Geralt") {
    if ($user.Surname -eq "of Rivia") {
        if ( $email) {
            "User created successfully"
        else {
            "User's email is not created"
    else {
        "Users surname is not created"
else {
    "User's name is not set"

#Multiple if else statements
$Today = (Get-Date).DayOfWeek

if ($today -eq "Monday" -or $today -eq "Tuesday" -or $today -eq "Wednesday" -or $today -eq "Thursday" -or $today -eq "Friday") {
    "Today is Working day"
elseif ($today -eq "Saturday") {
    "Today is first day of the weekend"
elseif ($today -eq "Sunday") {
    "Today is the last of week. Tomorrow we begin a new week."
else {
    "Unknown day: $today"

switch ($today) {
    { $_ -in ( "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday") } { "Today is working day" }
    "Saturday" { "Today is first day of the weekend" }
    "Sunday" { "Today is the last day of the week." }
    default { "Unknown day: $today" }