Sysadmin’s tools – what I have installed on my laptop

We need tools to make our work. Either it’s notepad and paper, a hammer (for server’s hard reset… just joking) or some sophisticated and bespoke peace of hardware – we as professionals need tools to make our work better, or even possible. Since working as IT person, there are many software tools I need to do my day to day tasks, thus here’s the list of pieces of software I’ve been finding useful....

6 January 2019 · 4 min · 774 words · Kamil

2018 summary

Here we are, again. Same symbolic time of the year. I find it perfect to review the past 12 months and have a think about it. I broke it down into three sections – professional, personal and what didn’t work out. So, let’s go! Professional Learnt PowerShell – I think it was the biggest achievement career wise this year. It’s hard to put this in formalised matter, or any sort of figure – but the change of my mindset is the biggest one....

1 January 2019 · 5 min · 864 words · Kamil

Backup Exec – cataloging multiple tapes with a single tape drive

Recently I’ve had a request to restore a certain backup from the old backup tapes. We’ve had a new Backup exec installation which didn’t have the catalogue/record of these tapes nor the actual tape drive to recover them – I knew it was going to be one in the world task. And the hell it was. Locating tapes in the storage unit was a pure joy – no need to go to the gym after this....

30 September 2018 · 2 min · 339 words · Kamil

Use Windows Server as iSCSI target with ESXi

The task: to move a virtual machine from one ESXi to another. The ESXis are on two completely separate networks. VM size is 5.5 TB, with one file being 5TB. The problem: VM cannot be started due to maxed out resources. There’s no NAS or any other means of storage where the files could be transferred to. From previous experience, I knew that transfer over SSH or USB would be well too slow, as the task was time critical....

15 August 2018 · 7 min · 1330 words · Kamil

Resolve IP and DNS with Powershell tool

I’ve been asked to prepare a simple tool which would: Resolve IP address or DNS Return all results to table Import addresses from a file The reason behind was to check how IP/DNS records change over the period of time, therefore there was a need for something like that: A file with all addresses in question Tool which could import all these addresses and resolve them Save the results into a new file Once having at least a couple of files, the results could be compared....

29 April 2018 · 2 min · 356 words · Kamil